Kirk Winemiller
- University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, Faculty Fellow
- Office:
- WFES 216
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- (979) 777-8570
- Resume/CV
- Website: https://aquaticecology.tamu.edu
- Undergraduate Education
- B.A. Zoology, Miami University
- Graduate Education
- M.S. Zoology, Miami University
- Ph.D. Zoology, University of Texas-Austin
Areas of Expertise
- life history strategies
- environmental variation and population dynamics
- food webs and trophic ecology population response to flow variation species assemblage structure
- environmental variation
- species functional traits species diversity
- biogeography and evolution ichthyology
Professional Summary
Kirk Winemiller, Ph.D., is a University Distinguished Professor and Regents Professor in the Texas A&M University Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology. He currently serves as Interim Head for the Department and previously was the founding Chair for the Interdisciplinary Program of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Texas A&M. He conducts research on fisheries and aquatic ecology, with emphasis on life history theory, population regulation, food web ecology, and fluvial ecosystem responses to hydrologic variation. He has coauthored and coedited three books and published more than 300 scientific journal articles and book chapters, with his most cited papers concerning fish life history and food web ecology. In 2019 he received the American Fisheries Society’s Award of Excellence for scientific achievement and outstanding contributions in fisheries and aquatic biology. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ecological Society of America, and American Fisheries Society. He was awarded the Ecological Society of America’s Mercer Award for an influential contribution in food web ecology. He has served on several Boards and Panels dealing with environmental issues and has served as Associate Editor for multiple ecological and fisheries journals.
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