Justinn Jones
- Graduate Research Assistant | FAA sUAS Remote Pilot
- Office:
- LASERS Lab | WFES 360
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinn-j-jones
- Undergraduate Education
- Bachelor of Science (BS) in Agriculture: Range & Wildlife Management, Summa Cum Laude, Texas A&M University – Kingsville, 2007
- Graduate Education
- Master of Science (MS): Ecology and Conservation Biology (Chair: Sorin C. Popescu, PhD), Texas A&M University, 2024
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Ecology and Conservation Biology (Chair: Sorin C. Popescu, PhD), Texas A&M University, 2027 (anticipated)
Professional Summary
Justinn J. Jones is a Graduate Research Assistant in the LASERS Lab in the Ecology and Conservation Biology department at Texas A&M University and is a two-time recipient of the Carder Fellowship to research urban forest resource management. His past lab projects have focused on collecting / analyzing lidar data from various sources, including mobile (e.g., GeoSLAM), airborne (e.g., USGS 3DEP), and spaceborne (e.g., ICESat-2) platforms for mapping, modeling, and monitoring vegetation height and growth. His MS work used aerial and mobile lidar with high-resolution imagery to estimate biophysical parameters of urban trees, and his PhD work focuses on modeling Urban Heat mitigation. Mr. Jones is an avid collaborator, with such projects as modeling winter wheat growth, estimating tree water use, modeling prescribed fire fuel load, and modeling riparian fish passage. Mr. Jones has been in the geospatial technology industry professionally and academically for over 20 years, he holds a GIS Professional (GISP) certification with the GIS Certification Institute, and he is an FAA certificated sUAS Remote Pilot.