Wenzhe Jiao
- Assistant Professor
- Office:
- WFES 326
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Resume/CV
- Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=1v9ooFUAAAAJ
Professional Summary
Wenzhe Jiao is an Assistant Professor. Dr. Jiao earned a PhD in Applied Earth Sciences from Indiana University, where his research was recognized with the Indiana University Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award, the highest accolade for research that bestowed upon graduate students across all campuses of the university. His research integrates field observations, spatial analysis and modeling, and multi-sensor remote sensing observations to address fundamental questions related to local to global scale ecohydrology, such as the spatiotemporal patterns of ecosystem water availability, the adaptability of vegetation to these patterns, and the intricate interplay between land use changes and vegetation-water-carbon interactions. His overarching goals are to develop and implement interdisciplinary data-driven approaches to better understand the impacts of climate extremes and identify strategies that better mitigate and prepare for those climate extremes.