Thomas Boutton
- Regents Professor and Sid Kyle Endowed Chair in Biogeochemistry Emeritus
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Resume/CV
- Website: https://agrilife.org/boutton/
- Undergraduate Education
- B.A. Biology, St. Louis University, 1973
- Graduate Education
- M.S. Biology, University of Houston, 1976
- Ph.D. Botany, Brigham Young University, 1979
Areas of Expertise
- Ecology of Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems
- Ecosystem Biogeochemistry
- Global Change Biology and Ecology Soil Ecology
- Land Cover/Land Use Changes
- Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
Professional Summary
Thomas W. Boutton, Ph.D. is a Regents Professor, Texas A&M AgriLife Senior Faculty Fellow, and the Sid Kyle Endowed Chair in Biogeochemistry in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology. He is also a member of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and the Faculty of Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences. Boutton’s teaching program has focused on courses in ecosystem science and in biogeochemistry. His research has been aimed at understanding of carbon, nitrogen, and water cycling in grasslands, savannas, and forest ecosystems. His research has also increased our ability to anticipate changes in ecosystem structure and function in response to atmospheric, climatic, and land use changes. His work has been conducted at time scales ranging from a few years (contemporary ecosystems) to thousands of years (paleoecosystems), at spatial scales ranging from the soil aggregate to the landscape, and under climatic and atmospheric conditions predicted for the future. Boutton has received more than $12.6 million in grant support and published 190 journal articles and book chapters. His research has been cited over 17,500 times in peer reviewed outlets. He is a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, and the American Society of Agronomy. Boutton also received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Society for Range Management.
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