Jacquelyn Grace
- Assistant Professor
- Office:
- WFES 276
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- (979) 458-9871
- Website: https://sites.google.com/site/jacquelynkayegrace/
- Undergraduate Education
- B.A. Biology, Willamette University
- Graduate Education
- Ph.D. Biology, Wake Forest University
Areas of Expertise
- Ecophysiology
- Behavioral Ecology
- Avian Ecology
Professional Summary
Jacquelyn Grace, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Texas A&M University Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology. Her research and teaching interests lie in the fields of animal ecology, physiology, and behavior. This work addresses the significant challenge of understanding the proximate and ultimate mechanisms underlying animal responses to environmental change, with the goal of predicting future population dynamics and designing effective conservation management techniques. She is currently a Review Editor for Frontiers in Bird Science, Guest Editor for Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Research Topic: Conservation Physiology), and co-Chair of the Avian Health Working Group for the Gulf of Mexico Avian Monitoring Network.
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