Department of
Ecology and Conservation Biology
Beyond a degree — a calling

6 Degree Programs
Our unique programs focus on engaging students in integrated teaching, research, and outreach programs to create skillful leaders in the field. Graduates are prepared for careers in stewardship and study of terrestrial and aquatic ecological systems.

29 Research Labs & Facilities
Our research endeavors are to develop new approaches and methodologies that advance both scientific discoveries and applications of ecological knowledge and evidence for effective biological conservation and natural resource and environmental management.

400+ Enrolled Students
Preparing the next generation with fundamental ecological knowledge and its application to biodiversity conservation, environmental health, and the management of complex systems, such as interactions involving aspects of ecology from genes to ecosystems, landscapes, hydrology, and climate.

A broad path of discovery
“One of the biggest motivators for me to get a degree in ECCB is the diversity of classes that you can take. The degree plan covers such a wide range of topics that you can take a class with unfamiliar content and fall in love with it, and potentially discover a career path you want to pursue. From ornithology, and plant biology to mammalogy ECCB truly has it all.”
Katelyn Sanchez ’23
Ecology and Conservation Biology major

A broad path of discovery
“One of the biggest motivators for me to get a degree in ECCB is the diversity of classes that you can take. The degree plan covers such a wide range of topics that you can take a class with unfamiliar content and fall in love with it, and potentially discover a career path you want to pursue. From ornithology, and plant biology to mammalogy ECCB truly has it all.”
Katelyn Sanchez ’23
Ecology and Conservation Biology major
Ecology and Conservation Biology News

Ecoinformatics researcher advances conservation science
The emerging field of ecoinformatics is transforming the way we understand and manage ecological systems, helping bridge the gap between cutting-edge data science and real-world challenges. Sorin Popescu, Ph.D., a professor of remote sensing in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology, is at the forefront of this dynamic field.

Five ways to prevent negative encounters with snakes this spring
Springtime in Texas brings warmer temperatures, blooming wildflowers — and more active snakes. As these reptiles emerge from brumation — a state similar to hibernation in mammals — the chances of encountering them increase. However, understanding snake behaviors and basic safety tips can help prevent unnecessary fear and reduce the risk of a bite.
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